22 May, 2024

10 Modern Baby Names Reflecting the Wisdom of Buddha

Aikya - Sanskrit, unity, or oneness, also spelled Aaikya or Aikya.

Source: Google

Kannika - A beautiful flower.

Source: Google

Mayra - An Indian name meaning "the moon." In Buddhism, the moon symbol of truth, enlightenment, and the remover of illusions.

Source: Google

Samsara: Derived from the Sanskrit term for the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, Samsara represents the continuous journey of existence. It reflects the Buddhist concept of impermanence and the interconnectedness of all life.

Source: Google

Zenith: This name embodies the pinnacle or highest point, reminiscent of the ultimate goal in Buddhism, which is to reach enlightenment or Nirvana. Zenith signifies spiritual fulfillment and attainment.

Source: Google

Arya: Meaning "noble" or "honorable" in Sanskrit, Arya reflects the moral virtues and ethical values upheld in Buddhist teachings. It represents a commitment to righteousness and compassion.

Source: Google

Nirvana: A name that encapsulates the ultimate goal of Buddhism, Nirvana signifies liberation from suffering and the cycle of birth and rebirth. It denotes a state of profound peace and enlightenment.

Source: Google

Anicca: Meaning "impermanence" in Pali, Anicca emphasizes the transient nature of all things in existence. It serves as a reminder to embrace change with equanimity and to cultivate detachment from worldly attachments.

Source: Google

Kai: This name, meaning "sea" in Hawaiian, can symbolize the vastness of wisdom and compassion, akin to the boundless ocean of Buddha's teachings.

Source: Google

Orion: Orion, referencing the constellation in the night sky, symbolizes guidance and direction, much like the moral compass provided by Buddha's teachings.

Source: Google

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