03 Jun, 2024

8 great habits to practice mindfulness

Breath Control - Focussing on o=your breath brings a smooth rhytm to your body's functionality. When stressed, just sit, focus and learn the ways of breathing. It calms down your mind.

Source: Google

Take Breaks - Taking breaks in between your daily chores is very essential. It makes you focus on your work more keeny.

Source: Google

Less screen pressure - The mobile comes handy everytime no doubt but is also the most chaotic thing to exist as it is accessible to anything and everything making you a pawn of the hook. So reduce it using frequently.

Source: Google

Stop being a slave - Work in necessary. It surely pays all your bills and provides with the lifestyle you want. But being excessively into the pressurized zone can me mentally draining.

Source: Google

Active Listening - While someone tells you something, pay attention to what they say withought distracted with minute things. It creates space and openness inside your mind.

Source: Google

Meditation - It is more of a parent way of paying focus to the breathing patttern. Focussing on nothing during meditation gives you ample relaxation, both to your body and mind. In long terms, it brings you wonders.

Good Sleep - unless you sleep well and give your body enough rest, you wont be having an energetic morning. It ruins yuour whole day perhaps and brings mental pressures eventually.

Source: Google

Gratitude - Being thankful is very crucial factor for mindfulness. Being thankful to little things makes you realize about the tiny things and their often ignored importances.

Source: Google

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