11 Jun, 2024

Vegetables to add to your monsoon diet

'Button Mushrooms' although grows in dump soil are very low in calories and have high antibacterial and enhances immune system.

Source: Google

'Pointed Gourd' commonly known as Parwal is therapeutic in numerous ways. It also battles the common occurring illnesses during the monsoon.

Source: Google

'Beetroot' also known as Chukandar is a health promoting and a disease preventing vegetable option available during the rainy seasons.

Source: Google

Bitter Gourd commonly known as 'Karela' stands to it's name but also one of the healthiest monsoon veggie available. It kills parasites which grows in our intestines specially during rainy seasons.

Source: Google

'Elephant Foot Yam' is known by various names in different parts of the country. It's unique properties makes it a healthier alternative. It improves immunity and prevent infections during monsoons.

Source: Google

'Bottle Gourd' also known as 'Lauki' is a wonderful vegetable of healing various monsoon related health issues. It is rich in phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and low fat.

Source: Google

Another healthy option is 'Radish'. It's anti-inflammatory properties prevents inflammation of the respiratory organs

Source: Google

'Broccoli' is one of the most healthiest vegetable available during the monsoons. The veggie reduces the risks of cancer, boosts immune system, improves skin and also reduces the risk of diabetes

Source: Google

'Teasel Gourd' is anti-inflammatory, laxative and has antipyretic properties. The small veggie is can also prevent liver damage and other common illnesses.

Source: Google

'Ridge Gourd' commonly known as Tori is a natural detoxifier that purifies the blood streams and flush out toxins.

Source: Google

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