Here Is How NHS Staff Will Thank Sikhs For Meals During Coronavirus Lockdown

By  Diksha Kapoor May 28th 2020 05:46 PM

Throughout the coronavirus pandemic, members of the Guru Arjan Dev Gurdwara in Derby have been helping the locals and feeding them with food on a daily basis.

They have cooked and delivered more than 10,000 meals and some members have been involved in making and delivering PPE scrubs to the hospital.

On the contrary, the Guru Arjan Dev Gurdwara had its front doors smashed in the early hours of the morning on May 25.

The meals have supported staff on many wards at the Royal Derby Hospital and so when accident and emergency nurse Andrew Tabner heard about the attack on the Gurdwara he set up a Go Fund Me fundraising page to raise money to repair the damaged temple and show their solidarity and gratitude for their efforts during the pandemic.

In a statement the member of NHS Staff has said “We were overwhelmed with the generosity of the Sikh community and others, to raise such an incredible amount of money so quickly was remarkable.”

Statement from Guru Arjan Dev Gurdwara Derby on the hate crime incident this morning. #SikhHate @DerbysPolice @mhclg @RobertJenrick @team_greenhalgh @ASollowayUK @BBCDerby @derbyshire_live @bbcmtd @AppgBritSikhs @PreetKGillMP @TanDhesi @SCUKofficial @SikhPA

— Sikh Federation UK (@SikhFedUK) May 25, 2020

Meanwhile, we hope that you people are safe in your homes and taking the precautions during this tough time.

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