By  Pradeep Singh September 18th 2017 12:45 PM

Punjabi Music Industry gives platform for every rising star. Many youngsters do their debut in the Punjabi Music Industry. Whether it be singing, music composing, writing or video directing, they came in Industry to try their luck. Many of them succeed and many of them go the other way. They are not able to make their hold in the Music Industry. There is so much of competition these days as people are coming with new projects. It all depends on the audiences, how they support and what they support. Only they are the judges to make the track hit or flop.

Since, many people are coming in Industry, the established personalities from the Music Industry have decided to form a "Committee Of Members". So, every new artist coming in the Music world has to register himself/herself to the Committee. So, that a data could be maintained to revise how many artists have come in Industry and how many of them were able to stay in the Industry. So, it is again a wise step that has been decided to take to maintain the standard of the Punjabi Music Industry. We stand in full support with this effort.

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