By  Aakash Rawal September 29th 2017 09:58 AM -- Updated: August 28th 2020 12:36 PM

In today’s world, where our lifestyles have changed so much and the taking good caring of your health has become a need of the hour. According to the reports, nowadays tendency of acquiring heart diseases by individuals having cholesterol levels are very high.

Hence, to battle the increasing heart diseases, World Heart Federation took initiated a campaign called World Heart Day. So, today on World Heart Day, we have listed few life hacks to improve your heart health:

Take 10 Minute walk daily

In our so busy daily schedule, we really don’t have time to for long workout, so in that case, you can just opt for a daily 10 minutes walk. This will help you stay active and refreshed all throughout the day.

Lift some weight

Going to a gym and lifting heavy weights there sounds good but it is less practical for a person with the busy schedule. So, in that case, you can lift a hardcover book or a two-pound weight a few times a day. This activity is very useful to burn extra calories.

Make habit of eating a fruit or a vegetable every day

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is the best thing you can do to make your heart healthy and active. Intake of fruit intoxicates your body and reduces the risk of heart disease.

Drink water

Image Courtesy: Vegan Liftz Image Courtesy: Vegan Liftz

Drinking a good amount of water is not just a recommendation but a necessity for a healthy life. One should keep drinking water throughout the day in equal interval of time. Drinking water improves immunity, increases energy & also flushes out toxins from your body.

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Deep Breathing

Breath slowly and deeply for a few minutes a day. This activity can help in lowering blood pressure.

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