Know Everything About The Farmers Protest And The 3 Agricultural Bills Passed

Written by  Diksha Kapoor   |  December 08th 2020 07:28 PM  |  Updated: December 08th 2020 09:31 PM

Know Everything About The Farmers Protest And The 3 Agricultural Bills Passed

Since the last few months, a continuous protest has been going on in India. Ever since the nation has come across the 3 Farm Laws, the farmers of India are protesting on the roads. So many Ministers have also resigned to support the Indian Farmers. A lot of debates have taken place since September and is still carrying on.

While farmers are struggling to get away from the new Farm laws, there are so many who still aren't aware of the exact information. Let's study the 3 agricultural farm laws, and why farmers are protesting against them.

Farmers Agreement on Price Assurance and Farm Services Act, 2020.

This Act gives permission to farmers and purchasers to agree on the deal even before the crops are produced. The time set for the agreement is a minimum of 1 crop cycle or production of livestock, and the maximum time is 5 years. Both farmer and buyer can further extend the time but with mutual agreement. Apart from this, the total amount that will be paid to the farmer must be mentioned in the clause. If they want to dispute, they will go through 3 steps - Conciliation Board, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, and Appellate Authority.

Farmers Produce Trade and Commerce Act, 2020.

Under this act, farmers can sell their produce at internal and external markets. This means they do not need to be on the premises of Agricultural Produce Market Committee Markets (Mandi).

Farmers can also go for other ways of selling like online. Adding to this is 'market fee', before this wasn't the case, as lived for selling produce was 'online trade area'.


Essential Commodities Act, 2020.

Last but not the least, we have the Essential Commodities Act. This act allows the Indian Government to take decisions promoting essential commodities including medicines, fuel, etc. They can also decide the pricing of these products.

Apart from this, the government will have all the rights to remove items according to its caution. The government can increase the prices of products by increasing their availability and by putting a limit on stock holding.

The state government may or may not use their powers according to their caution.

The alternation of the above act states that the government can add the 'essential' category in 'extraordinary cases'. Also, the government has removed eatables like potatoes, cereals, and pulses from the list.

Now the question is, Why are Farmers Protesting against these laws?

The main factor of this protest is Mandis. Mandis according to the government are the 'middlemen', which the government is removing or limiting.

In a more easy way, if there is one farmer who produces 100 kg of potatoes and another one produces 100 kg of onions. If somehow the farmers are out of money or land to produce, how will they cope up with the big corporations?

This is why Mandis are important for farmers. Mandis will be more beneficial for farmers because they could replace farmers and take a stand in their non-availability.

Another major thing to focus on is, the government didn't took efforts to talk to the farmers about the law, instead they imposed these laws on them.

Data proves that 65 percent of wheat was sold last year to Minimum Support Prices. If these laws are taken further, it would not be grateful for the farmers to produce their wheat to MSP.

Now, what do the Farmers of India actually want?

They want the government to take these laws back. The Farmers Committee has had 5 meetings with the central government, but no success has come to there way. Mostly the farmers are from Punjab and Haryana, who are protesting towards Delhi under the 'Delhi Chalo' movement. The movement took place on 5th November and is still continuing.

Now for 8th December, Bharat Band Nara has been going on. The farmers have declared that they will take over toll-nakkas on the same date.

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